Zakon Osveščenih Prebivalcev Sveta za SVET BREZ OROŽJA (Law of Conscious of inhabitants of the World, for a WEAPON-FREE WORLD)


Del orožarske statistike na planetu:

Zaradi oboroženega nasilja vsak dan umre 1.500 ljudi: zaradi vojn, oboroženih umorov, zunajsodnih usmrtitev in prekomerne sile državnih varnostnih organov umre več kot 500.000 ljudi na leto oziroma 1.500 ljudi na dan.

Vsako leto je proizvedenih 12 milijard nabojev: to je skoraj dovolj, da vsakega prebivalca Zemlje ubijemo dvakrat. Na svetu je po ocenah okoli 875 milijonov kosov orožja.

Vsako leto naredijo okoli 8 milijonov kosov 'lahkega orožja' (kamor spadajo na primer tudi strojnice).

Več kot 26 milijonov ljudi je moralo zapustiti svoje domove: milijoni so morali v strahu za svoja življenja zaradi oboroženih spopadov zapustiti svoje domove. Pogosto to ljudi pahne še globlje v revščino, saj imajo omejen dostop do čiste vode in ustreznega bivališča, hkrati pa se poveča možnost za razvoj smrtnih bolezni.

V 19 državah v oboroženih spopadih sodelujejo otroci vojaki: državne in nedržavne oborožene sile imajo v svojih vrstah na deset tisoče otrok. Ti otroci so pogosto oboroženi z orožjem, s katerim so neodgovorno trgovale države in korporacije.

Sistematična posilstva žensk in deklic se vršijo s pomočjo orožja: na konfliktnih območjih, kot so Demokratična republika Kongo, Slonokoščena obala in Sierra Leone je neverjetno veliko posilstev in spolnega nasilja. Mnogo žensk in deklic je prisiljenih v spolna suženjstva. Veliko posilstev se zgodi prav z grožnjami z orožjem.

Na vsako smrt 28 težkih poškodb: težko je natančno oceniti, koliko ljudi je ranjenih v oboroženih spopadih. Dosedanje statistike kažejo, da je ranjenih 28-krat več, kot je ubitih.

74 odstotkov svetovnega orožja dobavlja le šest držav: leta 2010 je skoraj tri četrtine svetovnega orožja dobavilo šest najmočnejših držav na svetu: ZDA (34.84%), Rusija (14.86%), Nemčija (7.43%), Združeno kraljestvo (6.57%), Kitajska (6.29%), in Francija (4%). Vse naštete države razen Nemčije so stalne članice Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov. Predsednik ZDA Barack Obama je 2009 prejel Nobelovo nagrado za mir, Evropska unija pa 2012.

Škoda, ki jo povzroči orožje, uničuje tudi infrastrukturo in ohranja revščino: poleg tega, da zaradi orožja umirajo ljudje in živali, orožje, kot so npr. rakete, uničuje tudi vitalno infrastrukturo, na katero se v vsakdanjem življenju zanašajo ljudje (dostop do hrane, vode in bivališča). To lahko preživele potisne še globlje v revščino.

Več mednarodnih pogodb ureja trgovino z bananami kot trgovino z orožjem: pravne luknje v zakonih o trgovini z orožjem omogočajo državam in korporacijam prodajo orožja, nabojev in solzivca diktatorjem in tiranom. Države pogosto neodgovorno trgujejo z orožjem in ne razmišljajo o tem, ali bo to orožje uporabljeno za kršitve človekovih pravic. Mednarodna pogodba o nadzoru trgovine z orožjem je korak proti temu (

Vsakih 22 minut nekje na svetu zaradi protipehotne mine umre ali je ranjen človek. Druga svetovna vojna je terjala 60 milijonov mrtvih in 35 milijonov ranjenih ter še 3 milijone pogrešanih. Prva svetovna vojna je terjala 37 milijonov mrtvih, ranjenih in pogrešanih. 

1984 se je v afriški državi Uganda za
čel genocid, v katerem je bilo v samo sto dneh ubitih več kot 800.000 ljudi.

Zaradi posledic bomb (prve uporabe jedrskega orožja) v Hirošimi in Nagasakiju, ki jima je 15. avgusta sledila kapitulacija Japonske in s tem konec druge svetovne vojne tudi v Aziji in na Pacifiku, je po ocenah do decembra 1945 umrlo več kot 200.000 ljudi.

Zaradi zakasnelih vplivov radioaktivnega sevanja ljudje umirajo še danes. Vojne v nekdanji Jugoslaviji od 1991-2001 so terjale okoli 140.000 mrtvih; več tisoč pogrešanih; več kot 1.000.000 ljudi je moralo zapustiti dom.

Število prisilno izseljenih je v letu 2014 prvič po drugi svetovni vojni preseglo že 50 milijonov, število beguncev danes večje kot med drugo svetovno vojno. Po javnih podatkih  se je obseg trgovine z orožjem v obdobju med 2010 in 2014 povečal za okoli 16 odstotkov glede na petletno obdobje pred tem.

ZDA, Rusija, Kitajska, Nem
čija in Francija pa  pet največjih izvoznikov orožja. Leto 2014 je bilo tudi najboljše leto za francoske izvoznike orožja v zadnjih 15 letih, izvoz njihovega orožja se je namreč povečal za 18 odstotkov. Največji trg za prodajo francoskega orožja so bile med leti 2010 in 2014 »Middle East« države (

V letu 2014 je svet porabil za oborožitev in vojsko porabljenih približno 1.700 milijard dolarjev ; 4, 6 milijarde dolarjev na dan. Mislite, da bi bile vojne, če ne bi prinašale dobiček peščici brezsrčnežev, ki ga proizvajajo in ga prodajajo manipuliranim, zavedenim, ubijanja željnih ljudem? Še prej pa morajo te ljudi  skregati, razdeliti in jih podžgati, da si skočijo v lase, netiti konflikte. Ko je vojna kupujejo orožje vse sprte strani.

Generalni sekretar ZN Ban Ki Moon, simbol idealov OZN in zagovornik interesov vseh ljudi na svetu, še zlasti revnih in najbolj ranljivih. je v svoji poslanici ob mednarodnem dnevu miru ( 21. september 2015 ) opozoril, da letos ta dan prihaja v času brutalnega nasilja in številnih konfliktov po svetu, zato je pozval h globalni prekinitvi ognja. "Namesto da obupamo nad razmerami, pokažimo kolektivno odgovornost ter zahtevajmo konec brutalnosti in nekaznovanosti odgovornih za konflikte," se je zavzel Ban in vse sprte strani pozval, naj odložijo orožje, ustavijo poboje in uničevanje ter omogočijo trajen mir.

"Čeprav se stanje morda zdi brezupno, ljudje po svetu sanjajo o življenju v miru," se je spričo reke beguncev, ki se vali v Evropo v iskanju mirnejšega in boljšega življenja, zavzel generalni sekretar Ban. "Sicer živimo v obdobju številnih konfliktov, vendar tudi v eri velikega upanja," je v poslanici še dodal Ban in spomnil, da se bodo čez nekaj dni na sedežu ZN v New Yorku zbrali voditelji iz celega sveta in sprejeli razvojno agendo za leto 2030 oziroma 15-letni načrt za trajnostni razvoj. "Gre za načrt, kako ustvariti razmere, kjer bodo vsi živeli dostojanstveno, kjer bo revščina preteklost in mir trajen," je poudaril. Spomnil je tudi, da letos obeležujemo 70. obletnico Združenih narodov. "Zato izkoristimo to priložnost in dosezimo temeljni cilj organizacije, da obvarujemo bodoče rodove pred strahotami vojne," je še pozval Ban Ki Moon.

Spoštovani, spoštovane! V imenu Osveščenih prebivalcev sveta  sprašujemo: ali si zares želite, da bi se končale vse vojne? Ali si zares želite svet miru, svet brez orožja?  Za državne in mednarodne spore mora zagotovo obstajati kakšna diplomatska rešitev. Mnogi menijo, da vojn sploh ne bi bilo več, če bi svetovni voditelji med seboj sodelovali.

Diplomati že stoletja potrjujejo državne pogodbe, oblikujejo resolucije in imajo konference, a s tem je le malo spornih vprašanj za vedno rešenih. Prav politika je tista, ki ustvarja sovraštvo med narodi. Tako je bilo v prvi in drugi svetovni vojni, tako je bilo v vojni na Balkanu, Iraku, Vietnamu, Siriji, Ukrajini, če naštejemo le nekatere in nič nas ni izučilo.

Politika bi ga lahko tudi odpravila. Kdaj bodo vendar prenehali ti brezplodni boji, te uničevalne vojne, ta zločin človeka nad človekom, zločin človeštva nad samim seboj? Ali ni skrajni čas, da napoči svetovni mir, mir brez orožja, ki bo temeljil na spoštovanju prav vsakega človeškega bitja? Mir niso sanje, mir ni utopija: mir je mogoč.

Kdor hoče mir absolutno ne sme dopuščati napadov in zločinov zoper življenje, ki je sveta vrednota, ne sme dopuščati orožja. Vsi ljudje tega sveta, stopimo skupaj in vzkliknimo vsi na glas : » Dovolj je sovraštva, dovolj je orožja, dovolj je pobijanja, dovolj je vojn! Dovolj je tega, da ženske matere rojevajo otroke za orožje, za ubijanje, za svet v katerem so  njihovi otroci lahko ubiti ali postanejo ubijalci, namesto da bi jih rojevale le  za življenje polno ljubezni in sreče.

Ženske so še vedno v manjšini med vojaškimi silami in povzročitelji vojn, vendar zaradi vojn najbolj trpijo, zato ker rojevajo človeška bitja, ker so matere. In matere celega sveta ne rojevajo ubijalcev; ubijalce ustvarjajo neprimerna življenjska okolja, napačne politike in ideologije. In takšna okolja, politike in ideologije  moramo za vedno spremeniti. Zavedati se moramo najprej, da vse matere in očetje na tem svetu enako ljubijo svoje sinove in hčere in obratno. Izhajajmo iz tega stališča in vsi razmišljajmo in delujmo naprej, v korist vsakega človeka in celega planeta.

Dokler proizvajamo orožje, se pobijamo med seboj, ne moremo govoriti, da smo civilizirani, ker to nismo. Temu je treba narediti konec, ker smo v 21. stoletju in je tega primitivizma in barbarstva preprosto dovolj, sicer nam sledijo še naprej vojne in propad človeštva. Ali si to zares želite zase in svoje otroke? Spoštovani, spoštovane! Zdaj, prav zdaj, ker vidimo kam to pelje je pravi trenutek, da sprožimo slovensko, evropsko in svetovno kampanjo za SVET BREZ OROŽJA.

Potreba po kulturi  miru v svetu  in uničenju orožja še nikoli ni bila tako  velika. Vsi svetovni voditelji se pred kamerami  radi zavzemate za MIR, zato to tokrat dokažite z dejanji in takoj prekinite proizvodnjo novega orožja ter dobavo le tega na vojna območja, ukažite popolno uničenje vsakršnega orožja in podprite Svetovni zakon Osveščenih prebivalcev sveta za SVET BREZ OROŽJA (v nadaljevanju). Pokažite svojo odgovornost, vest, človečnost, spoštovanje in sočutje do vseh ljudi sveta, do človeške vrste in storite vse za človeštvo in ohranitev našega skupnega doma planeta Zemlja! Predlog svetovnega zakona  

Svetovni zakon OPS              

(Osveščenih Prebivalcev Sveta) ZA  SVET BREZ OROŽJA  

Na podlagi preambule iz Splošne deklaracije o človekovih pravicah, ki so jo člani Organizacije združenih narodov sprejeli, Generalna skupščina OZN pa jo je razglasila 10. decembra 1948 in se glasi:

ker pomeni priznanje prirojenega človeškega dostojanstva vseh članov človeške družbe in njihovih enakih in neodtujljivih pravic temelj svobode, pravičnosti in miru na svetu;

ker sta zanikanje in teptanje človekovih pravic pripeljala do barbarskih dejanj, žaljivih za človeško vest, in ker je bila stvaritev sveta, v katerem bi imeli vsi ljudje svobodo govora in verovanja in v katerem ne bi živeli v strahu in pomanjkanju, spoznana za najvišje prizadevanje človeštva;

ker je nujno potrebno, da se človekove pravice zavarujejo z močjo prava, da človek ne bi bil prisiljen zatekati se v skrajni sili k uporu zoper tiranijo in nasilje;

ker je nujno potrebno pospeševati razvoj prijateljskih odnosov med narodi; ker so ljudstva Združenih narodov ponovno potrdila svojo vero v temeljne človekove pravice in dostojanstvo in vrednost človekove osebnosti, v enakopravnost moških in žensk in se odločila, da bodo podpirala družbeni napredek in ustvarjanje boljših življenjskih pogojev v večji svobodi; ker so se vse države članice zavezale, da bodo, v sodelovanju z Združenimi narodi, pospeševale splošno in resnično spoštovanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin;

ker je skupno razumevanje teh pravic in svoboščin največjega pomena za popolno uresničitev te zaveze.«

Osveščeni Prebivalci Sveta (v nadaljevanju OPS) zahtevamo od Organizacije združenih narodov (v nadaljevanju OZN) in od vseh vlad sveta, voditeljev držav in verskih voditeljev, da na skupni izredni konferenci Generalne skupščine OZN sprejmejo Zakon za CIVILIZRAN SVET BREZ OROŽJA.

1.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN pooblaščena za odločanje s strani OPS brezpogojno ugotovi in razglasi vse vrste orožja za osrednje zlo človeštva, kot tudi, da dokler se ljudje pobijamo med sabo, nismo civilizirana družba.  

2.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN brezpogojno ugotovi, da svetovnega miru, do katerega je upravičen vsak človek tega sveta, ni mogoče zagotavljati s kopičenjem in zlorabo orožja ter z nasiljem urejati morebitnih konfliktov in sporov med narodi, temveč je to mogoče zagotoviti  samo brez orožja s pogovori, diplomacijo in arbitražami strokovnjakov in mednarodnih sodišč ob uporabi mednarodnega prava.  

3.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev za odpravo vsega nakopičenega orožja oziroma transformacijo vsega orožja v koristne izdelke za celotno človeštvo. Za zgodovinske eksponate na opomin norosti človeštva, ko smo se še pobijali med seboj in s tem dokazovali našo neciviliziranost, se mora tako orožje preden postane razstavni eksponat onesposobiti za možnost uporabe.  

4.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev o takojšnji popolni ustavitvi kakršnekoli proizvodnje kateregakoli orožja in streliva ter dobavo le tega, za potrebe katerekoli vojaške organizacije in dobave na trenutna bojišča, ki so v teku po svetu. Takoj se ustavi kakršnokoli trgovanje z orožjem in strelivom katerekoli vrste.   

5.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da se takoj po sprejemu tega Svetovnega zakona o odpravi vsega orožja začne z uničevanjem in transformacijo v koristi prebivalcev sveta najprej vse jedrsko orožje, za tem pa postopoma od večjega oziroma težkega orožja pa do zadnjega najmanjšega kosa orožja.  

6.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da se v vseh državah sveta razglasi od sprejema tega zakona v Generalni skupščini OZN enoletno obdobje, ko se razglasi razoroževanje sveta v katerem imajo vsi državljani posamičnih držav in vsi zemljani možnost prinesti tudi neregistrirano orožje na za to določene točke in za nedovoljeno posest ne bodo kaznovani.  

7.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da pooblasti vse vojaške, policijske in druge uradne varnostne organizacije v državah, da v okviru svojih držav izvedejo odpravo orožja po vrstnem redu, ki je določen s tem svetovnim zakonom. Nazadnje se samo razorožijo  še sami po vrstnem redu: varnostne organizacije, vojska in policija. Samo v ta namen lahko OZN oz. generalni sekretar odobri dobavo orožja državam, ki imajo z razoroževanjem določenih uporniških skupin težave. Vojake in policiste generalna skupščina razglasi za VOJAKE ZA USTVARJANJE TRAJNEGA SVETOVNEGA MIRU - MIROVNIKE OZN.  

8.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da so vojaške enote OZN in vsi strokovnjaki – inšpektorji, zadolženi za dosledno izvedbo popolne odprave orožja v skladu s tem zakonom in imajo zaradi tega pooblastila možnost predlagati formiranje dodatnih vojaških sil izključno za dosledno, hitro in učinkovito izvedbo nalog iz naslova tega zakona.  

9.      člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da se vsem državam pomaga pri razgradnji nevarnega jedrskega in kemičnega orožja s pomočjo strokovnjakov in resursov, ki jih OZN ima ali pa jih po potrebi vključi v pomoč od zunaj.  

10.   člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da so vse države dolžne denar, namenjen oboroževanju postopoma vsako leto po četrtinah nameniti za urejanje socialnih problemov svojih ljudi, da nahranijo lačne, da okrepijo nemočne, za ustvarjanje in pridobivanje osnovnih in drugih dobrin, ki bodo dostopne vsem državljankam in državljanom na enak način in za trajnostni razvoj ter trajno samooskrbo države in njenih državljank in državljanov.  

11.   člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da se državo ali narod, ki ne bo spoštoval tega svetovnega zakona, obsodi po načelih mednarodnega prava, po katerih jih doletijo sankcije, vključno s popolno mednarodno osamitvijo, gospodarsko blokado in se z vsemi mednarodnimi zmožnostmi in silami razorožitev izvede s prisilo.  

12.   člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev, da ta svetovni Zakon Osveščenih Prebivalcev Sveta o odpravi celotnega orožja začne delovati in ga morajo spoštovati vse države in narodi tega sveta, 90 dni po večinskem sprejemu na Generalni skupščini OZN.  

13.   člen Generalna skupščina OZN sprejme brezpogojno odločitev po pooblastilu Osveščenih Prebivalcev Sveta, da je skrajni rok za popolno razorožitev vsega jedrskega in kemičnega orožja do 31.12.2025, vsega težkega orožja do 31.12.2027 in vsega drugega orožja do 31.12.2030. O izvršenih ukrepih iz obveznosti tega Svetovnega zakona za SVET BREZ OROŽJA, so vse države dolžne poročati vsako leto Generalni skupščini OZN in sicer do 31.12. tekočega leta vsako leto od sprejema tega zakona pa do končnega roka 31.12.2030, ko podajo končno poročilo o količini, vrstah in kakovosti orožja in v katere koristne izdelke so ga preoblikovale.  

Generalni sekretar Organizacije združenih Narodov                                                Države                                                                                                                                                                                             ZDA : predsednik:                  ______________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Russia : predsenik:                                                                                                                                                                                                  ______________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 China: predsednik:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ______________________                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                      Slovenia: Predsednik:               ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________


… Osveščeni Prebivalci Slovenije Osveščeni Prebivalci Sveta                  

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Država______________________ ime in priimek______________________________ …      


 November 2023



A call to action of the
Conscious residents of Slovenia


Part of armour statistics of this World:
As a result of armed violence each day about 1500 people are killed: in wars,
armed murders, by judicial executions and overuse of force by national safety
authorities that is over 500.000 people a year. Each year over 12 billion bullets are
produced: it is almost enough to kill every human of the World twice. It is estimated
that over 875 million pieces of weapons exist in the World. And each year around 8
million pieces of »light weapons« is produced (machineguns are included in this
category) over 26 million people had to leave their homes: millions had to leave
their homes because of armed conflicts and as a result the general crisis increases
where people don't have access to drinking water and have appropriate shelters; the
risk for different kinds of lethal diseases rises. In 19 countries children are being
mobilised to become soldiers and participate in armed fights of wars.
Government and civil armies hold children soldiers in tens of thousands. These

children often carry arms that were irresponsibly traded by governments and
corporations. Systematic rapes of women and children are conducted by the use
of weapons: in conflict zones like the Democratic republic of Congo, Ivory Coast,
Sierra Leone there is an unbelievable number of rapes and sexual violence. A lot of
women are forced to sexual slavery. Many rapes are forced by weapons. One death
means 28 injuries: It is hard to precisely estimate the numbers of injured people in
armed battles. Statistics to this day are showing us that there are approximately 28
injured people for each person that is killed. 74 percent of world weapons are
supplied by only six countries. In year 2001 almost three quarters of the world
weapons were supplied by 6 most powerful countries of the World: USA (34.84%),
Russia (14.86%), Germany (7.43%), UK (6.57), China (6.29%), and France (4%). All
mentioned countries except Germany are permanent members in Security Council of
United nations. Nobel Prize winner, the USA President, Barack Obama was awarded
a Nobel Prize for Peace in 2009 and the European Union in 2012. Force caused by
weapons, is also aimed at infrastructure and this contributes to the
preservation of poverty, apart from damage caused by weapons as for example
missiles to the human beings as well as animals, they usually cause damage to the
vital infrastructure on witch people rely for the distribution of food and providing
shelter. And that pushes the surviving people even in deeper poverty. More
international agreements regulate banana trade than they do the weapons’
trade: Legal loopholes about weapons’ trade enable countries and corporations to
sell guns, bullets and other kinds of weapons to dictators and tyrants. States often
trade weapons irresponsibly and do not think about the usage of them in human
rights violation. The International Agreement about controlling weapon trafficking is a
step towards a solution. Each 22 minutes somewhere in the World someone gets
wounded or killed as a result of a land mine explosion. The result of WW2 was
60 million dead, 35 million wounded and 3 million missing. The result of WW1
was 37 million dead, wounded and missing. In 1984 Uganda suffered genocide
where the lives of 800.000 people were taken within 100 days. It is estimated that
200.000 people died to the year 1945 because of use of nuclear bombs in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On 15th August Japan surrendered and the WW2 was
finished. But the delayed effects of radiation have still been causing people’s deaths
until this day and will probably continue for ages. Wars in the former Republic of
Yugoslavia between 1991 and 2001 resulted in approximately 140.000 deaths, few
thousands of missing and over 1.000.000 people had to leave their homes.
Numbers of forcefully expatriated in the year 2014 exceeded the number of
refugees of World War2. According to the official data the volume of weapons
trade in the time between 2010 and 2014 rose for around 16 percent according to the
five year period before. USA, Russia, China, Germany, and France are the five
largest exporters of weapons. Year 2014 was the best year for French weapon
export in the last 15 years; it increased for 18 percent and the biggest market for
French weapons between 2010 and 2014 were the countries of the Middle East. In
the year 2014 around 1.700 billion dollars were used for weapons and armies;
4, 6 billion dollars a day.

Do you think that wars would still exist unless weapons were bringing so many profits
for a handful of stone hearted individuals that produce them? It is sold to heavily
manipulated people with a lust for killing. Before that unease, anger, hatred,
desperation and fears are spread amongst those people in order to divide them and
make them eager to fight each other without any basic root cause. After the fear has
risen, weapons are being sold to all conflicting clients.

General secretary of UN Ban Ki - moon, the key representative of the United
nations and a great defender of the interests of all people in the World,
especially the poor and vulnerable warned on the international day of peace,
21.september 2015, that this year the day comes in times of brutal violence and
many conflicts around the world and he suggested global ceasing of fire. »Instead of
giving up on the situation, we can show collective responsibility demanding the
end of brutality and punishment for those responsible for existing conflicts«.
He appealed to the fighting sides to lay down weapons, stop the killing and
destruction and thus enabling a lasting peace. »Even when the situation seems
hopeless, people around the globe dream about life in peace«. Meanwhile a
mass of refugees is pouring into Europe, following the intended route in search for
peace and better way of living. Bann took a stance »In spite this era that is troubled
by many conflicts, this is also an era of great hope«.
He also added a reminder that in a couple of days the seat of UN in New York shall
collect leaders of the whole World for accepting the new development agenda, the
15-year continual development plan till 2030. »A Plan for creating conditions,
where all may live with dignity and poverty will become past and peace
He also noted that 2015 is year of the 70 th anniversary of United Nations. »So let’s
use this opportunity and achieve the foundation goal, to keep future generations
away from terrors of war« added Ben.

Ladies and gentlemen!
On behalf of the conscious residents of the World we ask you: Do you really wish to
end all wars? Do you really wish a World of peace and without weapons? There must
be a diplomatic solution for national as well as international conflicts. The opinions of
many are that wars would not exist any longer if the leaders of the World's nations
cooperated, respected and showed dignity to each other. Peace is possible.
Diplomats are procuring national treaties working on resolutions and are held in
conferences for hundreds of years, but only a minor amount of hard wired questions
are getting resolved for good with them. Politics is the one who creates hatred among
nations. It caused the ww1, ww2, the war in Balkan war, Iraq, Vietnam, Syria,
Ukraine, to name only a few... obviously the lesson hasn’t been learned yet. Politics
could also help at stopping that hatred. When will these fruitless crimes, committed in
anger, come to an end, this crimes of one human being over another one, the crime

of humanity over itself? Fights only bring about hatred and despair. We believe that
it's time, time for peace in the World, peace without weapons, based on respect
towards each other and every human being. Is it?
Peace is not a dream, it is not a utopia. Peace is achievable. The one who wants
peace absolutely must not allow attacks and crime against life that is sacred and
valuable. Life can’t allow weapons. People of this world, step together and claim with
one voice: « There's been enough hatred, enough weapons, enough killing, and
enough wars! There have been too many women, mothers that have been delivering
children for weapons, killing and wars, for this world in which they can be killed or
become killers themselves. Instead of that they should be bringing love and
happiness to this world. Women are still a minority in the military force and among
the causes of war. But they can suffer most deeply because they are mothers.
Mothers of the whole World are not giving births to bring more born killers to the
world. Killers are produced by hostile and inappropriate surroundings, failed, wrong
politics and hostile ideologies that must be changed forever. First we must become
aware of the fact that all mothers and fathers love their daughters and sons with the
same kind of love and their children love them back. From that point of view we have
to think and act with honesty, respect and in the best interest for wellbeing of every
human being in this world. But until weapons are produced by us and as long as the
killing continues, we can’t brag how civilized we are for we are obviously not. We
must make an end to this. We’ve entered the 21. Century a decade and a half ago
and we’ve had it with the primitivism and barbarism of such magnitude that really
makes no sense. Unless we put an end to it wars will continue and that may be the
end of mankind as we know it! It is that what your wish for the children of today or our
future generations?

Ladies and gentlemen!
At his moment when we clearly see where we are heading to it is the right time to
start a Slovenian, European and World campaign for THE WORLD WITHOUT
A culture of peace has never been more desired before in the whole human history.
All the leaders of the World publicly promote peace and now we want you to prove it
with your action. Stop producing and shipping weapons to the territories of war. Order
a total destruction of all weapons and support The International Law of Conscious
Residents of this World for WORLD WITHOUT WEAPONS (in continuation).
Show your responsibility, conscience, humanity, respect and compassion to all
people of this world, to human species, and do all for humanity and preservation of
our common home, planet World.


International Law of CRW
(Conscious Residents of the World)



On the basis of the preamble of the General declaration of human rights which was
accepted by the members of The General Assembly of the UN on the 10 th December
1948 and it reads:
Because the recognition of the inherent human dignity of all members of human
society and their equal and inalienable rights is the basic of freedom, righteousness
and peace in the world;
Because the disregard and contempt of human rights have resulted in barbarous acts
which have outraged the conscience of mankind and because the creation of the
World in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and the belief by which
they should live without any fear and shortage have been recognized as the highest
efforts of humanity;
Because it’s necessary that the human rights are protected with the power of law, so
that human beings wouldn’t be forced to rebel against tyranny and violence;
Because a development of friendly relationships between nations must be
Because the nations of the United States again confirmed their faith in fundamental
human rights, dignity and the value of human personality, in equality of men and
women and decided that it would support social progress in a creation of better living
conditions with more freedom;

Because all the members committed that they would accelerate general and real
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in cooperation with the United
Because common understanding of this rights and freedoms is of the biggest
importance to fully realize this call to action. «
Conscious Residents of the World (CRW below) are filing a demand for the United
Nations (UN below), all governments of the world, presidents of the world and
religious leaders that they hold an International United Conference of The General
Assembly of CRW and accept the International Law of CRW for the WORLD

1. Article
The General Assembly of the UN that is authorized to decide in the name of CRW
unconditionally determines and declares all kinds of weapons the main evil of
mankind as well as the fact that as long as people are killing each other, we can’t
be considered as a civilized society.
2. Article
The General Assembly of the UN unconditionally establishes that the world peace
which every human being of this world is entitled to can't be achieved by the
accumulation and abuse of arms and use of violence to regulate potential conflicts
and disputes among the nations, whereas this can only be guaranteed without the
use of arms and by discourse, diplomacy and arbitration experts and international
courts with the application of international law.
3. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision for
elimination of all accumulated arms or the transformation of all arms into useful
products for all mankind. For history exhibits that will remind us of human
madness when we were still killing each other and demonstrate our incivility the
arms must be disabled before it’s put on the exhibition.
4. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision of the
immediate stopping any productions of arms and ammunition and their supply to
any army organization or supply them to the current battlefields of the world.
Trading with weapons and ammunition is prohibited and stopped immediately.
5. Article
The General Assembly of the UN unconditionally accepts the decision that
immediately after the confirmation of this World law of elimination of all arms
begins with destruction and transformation of weapons and ammunition in benefit
of the population. The first to be disabled are all the nuclear weapons and after
that gradually from bigger, heavier arms to the last small piece of arms.


6. Article
The General Assembly of the UN unconditionally confirms the decision that The
Law declared by the General Assembly of the UN should be implemented in all
the countries of the world within a 1 year period in which disarmament of the
world will take place and all the residents of the world’s countries and all the
inhabitants of the world will have the option to bring the unregistered arms to
certain posts and will not be punished for unauthorized possession of arms.

7. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision to authorize
all military, police and other official security organizations in the world’s countries
to carry out the disarmament following the sequence determined by this
International Law for the World without Weapons. Finally the authorized
organizations disarm themselves in the following order: security organizations,
army and police forces. UN or The General Assembly of the UN can allow a
distribution of weapons for the purpose of disarmament only to the countries
where problems should appear when implementing the law. Soldiers and police
force should be proclaimed as the army for creating the lasting world peace – The
Peacemakers of the UN.

8. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision that the army
troops of the UN and all their experts – inspectors become in charge of consistent
implementation of total destruction of arms in accordance with this law and have
the possibility to propose the formation of additional military forces exclusively for
the strict, fast and effective carrying out the task in accordance to this law.

9. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision that all
countries get help with decomposition of dangerous nuclear and chemical
weapons with the help of experts and resources which The UN possesses or get
and include help from elsewhere.

10. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision that all the
countries are obligated to spend the money previously spent for arms each year
on resolving the social problems of people, to feed the hungry, to strengthen
powerless, for creation and obtaining basic and other goods to be available to all
residents equally and for sustainable development and sustenance of countries
and their residents.

11. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts the unconditional decision that a state
or a nation, which won’t respect this international law, may be convicted by
standards of international law, by which it’s appointed to sanctions including

complete international isolation, corporal blockade and be disarmed by force if

12. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts the unconditional decision that this
International Law of the Conscious Residents for the World without Weapons
takes effect in 90 days after receiving a majority of votes in The General
Assembly of the UN and must be respected by all countries and nations of this

13. Article
The General Assembly of the UN accepts an unconditional decision by the
authority of The Conscious Residents of the World, that the deadline for complete
disarmament of all nuclear and chemical weapons is 31.12.2017, all heavy
weapons by 31.12.2019 and all other weapons by 31.12.2020. All the World’s
countries are obliged to report to The General Assembly of the UN about their
executed measures implemented to carry out The International Law of the
Conscious Residents of the World without Weapons each year by the 31.12 of the
current year from the date when the law comes into force till final deadline
31.12.2020, when the last report about the amount, sorts and quality of weapons
are reported and into what products they were processed.

The Secretary General of the UN
Ban Ki – moon: _________________________
Members of the UN:
The President of USA: _________________________
The President of Russia: _________________________
The President of China: _________________________
The President of Slovenia: _________________________

The Conscious Residents of Slovenia:
The Conscious Residents of the World:
Country: __________________ Name and Address: _____________________
Country: __________________ Name and Address: _____________________

Country: __________________ Name and Address: _____________________




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